Saturday 20 April 2013

Use of Computers in Schools

Computers play an integral role in society, from educational purposes to controlling the operations of large corporations. The use of computers in schools prepares students for their future interactions with the machines. Computers serve both staff and students in educational settings. The amount of technology available in the school district influences the degree to which the students utilize computers.

Administrative Use
Schools often use computers in an administrative capacity. This includes maintaining student records and managing school information. Computers may be used to track student attendance and grades. Many districts maintain school email systems as a form of communication. School libraries often use an electronic system for locating books in lieu of the traditional card catalog. Each school district differs in its administrative uses of computers, with the budget playing a major role.

Planning & Communication
Teachers rely on computers for planning and organizing class lessons. Online resources expand the options for activity planning, while reducing the amount of time required for researching. Teachers also utilize the computer for communication purposes. Email allows teachers and administrators to contact each other quickly about various issues. Many parents also communicate with classroom teachers via email.

Research projects for students take a modern turn with the use of computers. The influence of computers on society makes computer skills essential for kids. Internet research familiarizes students with the wealth of knowledge available. It also offers the chance to teach children how to find reliable resources since the Internet also contains inaccurate or undocumented information. Poorly created sites may lead students to draw incorrect conclusions about a topic or include incorrect information in school projects. Websites with adult content present another risk for children on the Internet. Teach children to choose websites from recognized organizations or educational institutions, particularly for research purposes. Brainstorm a list of high-quality websites for the students, adding your own recommendations. Provide a copy of the list to each student for future reference. Encourage them to alert an adult if they stumble upon inappropriate material while using the Internet.

Educational Games
Computer games with an educational component integrate another learning format for students. While the games shouldn't serve as the primary teaching tool, they work well as a review or reinforcement of the concepts taught in the classroom. Playing computer games also improves the hand-eye coordination of the children through the manipulation of the mouse and computer keys.

Typing Skills
Typing practice improves the general computer skills of the students, providing them with the tools necessary in the future. Learning these skills at an early age allows them to type efficiently as they grow and use the computer for more purposes. The use of the mouse, CD-ROMs and other computer equipment also provide valuable skills for the students. Students learn the proper way to insert and launch a computer program on a CD-ROM, which allows them to operate the computer without assistance. They improve fine motor skills by learning to control the mouse. The practice increases the overall computer proficiency of the students, preparing them for future educational and career opportunities.

Uses of Computers

While all of us living in the developed world may find the title of this article "naive" after decades of computer use, we should spare a thought for the millions out there who have never heard of a computer, let alone use it. This article aims to help in developing a basic understanding amongst first-time users and people who aspire to know more about these wonderful machines.

A computer is an electronic device, which executes software programs. It is made up of two parts - hardware and software . The computer processes input through input devices like mouse and keyboard. The computer displays output through output devices like a monitor and printer. The size of a computer varies considerably from small personal computers to gigantic supercomputers which require an entire building to host them. The speed also has a very large range. Computers have become indispensable in today's world. Let us take a look at some of their uses.

Word Processing - Word Processing software automatically corrects spelling and grammar mistakes. If the content of a document repeats, you don't have to type it each time. You can use the copy and paste features. You can print documents and make several copies. It is easier to read a word-processed document than a handwritten one. You can add images to your document.

Internet - It is a network of almost all the computers in the world. You can browse through much more information than you could do in a library. That is because computers can store enormous amounts of information. You also have very fast and convenient access to information. Through E-Mail, you can communicate with a person sitting thousands of miles away in a few seconds. Chat software enables one to chat with another on a real-time basis. Video conferencing tools are becoming readily available to the common man.

Digital video or audio composition - Audio or video composition and editing have been made much easier by computers. It no longer costs thousands of dollars of equipment to compose music or make a film. Graphics engineers can use computers to generate short or full-length films or even to create 3D models. Anybody owning a computer can now enter the field of media production. Special effects in science-fiction and action movies are created using computers.

Desktop publishing - With desktop publishing, you can create page layouts for entire books on your personal computer.

Medicine - You can diagnose diseases. You can learn the cures. Software is used in magnetic resonance imaging to examine the internal organs of the human body. Software is used for performing surgery. Computers are used to store patient data.

Mathematical Calculations - Thanks to computers, which have computing speeds of over a million calculations per second we can perform the biggest of mathematical calculations.

Banks - All financial transactions are done by computer software. They provide security, speed and convenience.
Travel - One can book air tickets or railway tickets and make hotel reservations online.

Telecommunications - Software is widely used here. Also all mobile phones have software embedded in them.

Defense - There is software embedded in almost every weapon. Software is used for controlling the flight and targeting in ballistic missiles. Software is used to control access to atomic bombs.
E-Learning - Instead of a book it is easier to learn from an E-learning software.

Gambling - You can gamble online instead of going to a casino.
Examinations - You can give online exams and get instant results. You can check your examination results online.

Business - Shops and supermarkets use software, which calculate the bills. Taxes can be calculated and paid online. Accounting is done using computers. One can predict future trends of business using artificial intelligence software. Software is used in major stock markets. One can do trading online. There are fully automated factories running on software.

Certificates - Different types of certificates can be generated. It is very easy to create and change layouts.

ATM machines - The computer software authenticates the user and dispenses cash.
Marriage - There are matrimonial sites through which one can search for a suitable groom or bride.

News - There are many websites through which you can read the latest or old news.

Classmates - There are many alumni websites through which you can regain contact with your classmates.

Robotics - Robots are controlled by software.

Electronic gadgets run with the help of computers. There are various software which are used to increase the efficiency of these devices. Timers, self-controlled switches - these ensure that the machines ask for minimum human effort.

Planning and Scheduling - Software can be used to store contact information, generating plans, scheduling appointments and deadlines.

Plagiarism - Software can examine content for plagiarism.

Greeting Cards - You can send and receive greetings pertaining to different occasions.

Sports - Software is used for making umpiring decisions. There is simulation software using which a sportsperson can practice his skills. Computers are also to identify flaws in technique.

Airplanes - Pilots train on software, which simulates flying.

Weather analysis - Supercomputers are used to analyze and predict weather.

Computers have leapfrogged the human society into another league. It is used in each and every aspect of human life. They will spearhead the human quest of eradicating social problems like illiteracy and poverty. It is difficult to imagine a world bereft of computers. This revolutionary technology is indeed a boon to the human race.